Thu 28 March, 2013 by LottoPrediction , in Lottery Info Lottery Winners Win Lottery World Lotteries , // Tags: Powerball , Powerball Jackpot , Win Lottery , Win Powerball

It’s been only three weeks that Maldonado is working at Keller Williams Partner Realty situated at Plantation, Fla. as a managerial assistant. However, her twelve colleagues have made a decision to give her a portion of the winnings in spite of her not contributing to the pool. Along with the whole winning group and Maldonado herself, the office worker responsible for organizing the pool, Laurie Finkelstein Reader, had a talk with Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer about the generous act shown by the group.
Reader informed that Jennifer became a part of their team on 8th March and they truly felt that their family got a new member in the form of Jennifer. This win is nothing short of an incredible happening and they all wanted her to experience their ecstasy and be a wholesome part of the celebration.
It was on Friday, 8th March, that Reader was going around accumulating 20 dollars from each of the workers to buy tickets for the highly-anticipated Powerball jackpot. By the drawing of Saturday night, the jackpot amount went up to $338 million. Maldonado had not yet been paid her first paycheck. She was dismissed from her earlier job and has an autistic son aged 4 years. Naturally, she chose to save whatever she had instead of wasting it in the lottery. There were many, including Reader, who offered to pay for the ticket on behalf of her but she refused.
It was found on Saturday that one of the many tickets bought by the pool had 5 matching numbers and therefore, had won a jackpot of $1 million. If the red Powerball number was also included in the ticket, the big jackpot would have been won by the group, whose total amount is $338 million.
When Maldonado arrived on Sunday at the office, she first thought that a prank was being played on her by her coworkers because the only member who did not pay for the ticket was Maldonado herself. However, soon, realization dawned on her that they were indeed a part of the thirteen winners who had won $1 million worldwide.
According to Maldonado, winning something is always an amazing feeling and she did have a moment of regret for not chipping in her share. However, it did not last long because she was genuinely happy about her entire group. Her group, on the other hand, promptly decided that they would share a portion of the winnings with her.
According to calculations made by Reader, each worker will receive an amount of $83,333 i.e. after deducing taxes. However, the amount that would be given to Maldonado was not disclosed by anyone. The only thing that was revealed was that the amount is going to be more than 5000 dollars.