Tue 08 January, 2013 by LottoPrediction , in Lottery News Lottery Winners , // Tags: Lottery Safety , Lottery Winners

Another lottery player has just been murdered in Chicago, growing another concern about lottery winners’ safety and giving more reasons for the lottery winners to stay more alerted and more aware that a lot of people will try to scam them. After winning the lottery winners’ life would not be the same anymore and it is necessary that they have good protection for their own sake.
Urooj Khan, the winner of $1 million Illinois lottery jackpot was found dead just a month after winning in the scratch ticket lottery. His death was presumed as a normal death caused by health problem but a month later the medical team found out that he died because of poison. A month ago, the medical team from the Cook County claimed that Khan was dead because of normal cause. However, after some efforts made by the curious relatives, the investigations were again conducted and it concluded that Khan was cyanide poisoned.
According to Dr. Steve Cina, the chief of medical team, found some cyanide concentration in Khan’s body and it was proven to be the only reason for his death. Nobody has been suspected and arrested for this murder. However, the authorities are conducting some investigation on it and the murderer should be taken to the court soon.