Tue 08 January, 2013 by LottoPrediction , in Lottery News , // Tags: NY Lottery , WIN New York Lottery

Last year has apparently been one of the biggest years in lottery world as many people have won big jackpots and the sales of the lottery itself have increased to a very significant number giving more funds to the education, charity and other social development. Many kinds of lottery increased their sales last year.
The increased sales of the global lottery are also experienced by the New York’s lottery which has reached $9.1 billion, breaking the state records for the lottery revenue. Before, lottery has also given a lot of contribution to the development and charity but the big windfall given from the Lottery Division of the state increased significantly after many lottery players won big jackpots throughout the year.
Some reports indicate that certain lottery has increased its sales very sharply. Powerball sales even skyrocketed to 80% increase in year 2012. According to the Lottery Division, the total revenue is increased for almost 12% from that of 2011 as it was only $ 8.1 billion. The Lottery Director, Robert William claimed that the lottery has successfully helped the development of the schools in New York and they are looking for better projection in 2013.