Fri 12 October, 2012 by LottoPrediction , in Lottery News Lottery Winners , // Tags: Lottery Winners , Win Lottery

The winners of Megabucks jackpot of $8.2 million, Linda Van Oesen and Bob Von Oesen said that they will not change their lives despite the big money they have just won. Interviewed by the journalists at the press conference at the lottery office of Maine State in Hallowel on Thursday, the couple might buy a new car this month but it is not because they just won a lottery. They have planned to change their ride a long time ago.
Linda and her husband share the same opinion that nothing has to change just because they won a lottery. They will not do any celebration for winning the lottery. They will celebrate their 32th wedding anniversary but it has nothing to do with the jackpot. They have planned to have the celebration long before they won.
Linda is a regular lottery player and she always spend $2 on Friday and Wednesday on Megabucks tickets sold at the Big Apple. She has done this for 13 years, which means that she has spent around $2,860 for the $8.2 million jackpot she won. When the journalists ask her again and again whether she wants to get her childhood dream that she hasn’t achieved, she just replied that she has achieved everything and now she wants to invest her winning money for her children and grandchildren.