Fri 24 August, 2012 by LottoPrediction , in Lottery News Lottery Winners , // Tags: Lottery Winners , Win Lottery

A lot of people are blessed with great luck and one of them is Donald Cole III (Donnie) from Brookeville, Maryland who won lottery for four times in a very short period. He managed to win $50,000 from a scratch-off ticket on Big Money Mega Play sold for a $20 on June 26 and another $50,000 on July 25th.
Donnie is just like other lottery players who trust in fortunes and who think that lottery can change his life if he keeps the faith. He is a regular lottery player who always spends some of his money to buy lottery tickets in hope that they can give him instant cash. He is a regular customer of a Shell gas station in Olney, Maryland and he usually buys his lottery tickets there.
According to Zack Lakhani, the Shell station manager, Donnie Cole and his wife are fans of Maryland State Lottery and the couple usually spend more or less similar amount of money on lottery tickets. Cole usually buys his lucky number in the morning, and Cheryl, his wife, usually purchases the tickets in the evening.
"They are very nice, and Don is a very lucky man" he said. "His wife has also won several times, too, although not as big as this one."
Donnie started joining in some betting games a few years ago and he always believes in any lottery prediction, forecasting or other intuition like ESP that can bring luck to people through lotteries. He never stopped buying the tickets although he never won big jackpots before. He believes that his luck will come to him sooner or later.
His wife said that she also believes that he will bring some luck.
"I have a feeling that he is a lucky man. I was just unsure know how lucky but I think that it is fabulous. I was in shock the first time and the second time was surreal."
Donnie Cole could hardly believe it either especially when he won the second time. The first time he won the $50,000 he was just stunned and stared at the ticket as he could not believe it finally came to him.
"It was a stunning feeling," he said. "I just kept looking at it, wondering if I was looking at it wrong. I put it down and came back and looked at it again, and knew that I really had won."
Now Donnie can have fun with all the money he got from spending little part of his budget. He wants to buy things he could not afford before but he also realizes that he should not get carried away with the euphoria. For such easy money like that, nobody can blame him even if he wants to buy a crab door knocker worth $125.
The good point is, he knows what he is doing. He is planning on saving some of his money and donating some to animal rescue organizations.